Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kaya 15 Scrap a Sketch RAK Winners

Thank you to all the participants of the Kaya 15, Scrap a Sketch.

As mentioned during the challenge, I had humble RAKs to give to the first 5 PSers who could upload their layouts, they are:

Diane, Nina, Marissa, Susie and CV

As for our RAK winners, I had my SO, Art pick from a little raffle and was nice enough to let me write on his hands hehe :-) felt a bit kikay so I opted for a raffle of buttons (don't worry I used the backs LOL).

And so the winners for Kaya 15 are . . .

Congratulations to Lee and Janis!

Please PM your addresses to me, i'll be mailing all the RAKs in one go.
Thanks again everyone!

Note: as per our rule, we can only pick a name once every three months, the following previous winners are ineligible for this draw: Marian, Marissa, Diane and yours truly (Tin).


CraftFairy said...

Congratulations to the chosen winners! congratulations to the RAK winners - Thanks for your generosity, Tin.
And congratulations to all who joined for completing another LO to save in an album.

Issa Virtucio-Lucido said...

Congratulations sa mga winners!!!! Mam Lee and Janis...

Lee i. said...

Wow thanks Tin, and manang and Issa. Congrats sa lahat!